May, 24


Aithne - April, 2015 Pick date Download

7 PM

Student Performance - Dimitris

07:00 PM to 07:30 PM, April 18, 2015

Location: Dimitris Greek Restaurant, Great Falls, MT

Belly Dance Student Performance night. Think of this as a sort of "Recital". Instead of the regular performers (they'll be dancing next week) this performance will involve advanced students.

A restaurant is a very different performance environment than a stage or arena, and this is an opportunity for 3 students to perform in a new situation.

Come watch us dance at 7:00pm April 18th 2015. To be on the safe side make a reservation. Dimitri's Restaurant 452-5774.

7 PM

â–ºDimitris performance

07:00 PM to 07:30 PM, April 25, 2015

Location: Dimitris Greek Resturant, Great Falls, MT

Come watch us dance at 7:00pm April 25th 2015. To be on the safe side make a reservation. Dimitri's Restaurant 452-5774